Will RF Skin Resurfacing Treatment Tighten Loose Skin?

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Even after dieting and exercising, are you still plagued with loose skin? If so, RF skin resurfacing might prove effective at tightening loose skin in problem areas.

Dr. Myriam Yokana is a board-certified practitioner of family medicine and aesthetic services at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL who offers radiofrequency (RF) skin resurfacing treatments. The procedure involves the use of the innovative Opus Plasma, which deeply penetrates the skin for impressive and long-lasting results.

With RF resurfacing treatments, individuals can enjoy smoother, younger-looking skin. The radiofrequency energy waves help to not only tighten skin but also to resurface the skin to correct wrinkles and fine lines. The treatments also even out skin irregularities. RF resurfacing treatments are highly effective at smoothing away acne scars and correcting pigmentation. If you want tighter, younger-looking skin, then RF skin resurfacing might be an ideal option.

How are RF resurfacing treatments carried out?

Dr. Yokana and her team will apply a local anesthetic to help numb the skin of the area to be treated. You will be placed in a treatment chair while Dr. Yokana oversees the Opus Plasma handpiece as it glides across your skin’s surface. The laser effectively targets areas for resurfacing.

During the RF resurfacing treatments, you will feel slight heat as the energy waves penetrate your skin. Many patients report that the laser feels slightly like a sunburn. As the laser delivers heated energy waves, you will feel a cooling sensation as cold air is blown across your skin’s surface. The cool air is emitted from the RF device's built-in cooling system.

Following the RF resurfacing procedure, your skin will appear a little red and feel like a mild sunburn. It will take a few days for the redness to subside. Some patients do experience irritation and swelling if they have undergone intense RF resurfacing treatments. Remember, all RF treatments vary between patients depending on each person’s individual needs.

Dr. Yokana will discuss aftercare with you following your RF resurfacing treatment. Your skin will start to show signs of peeling, but you should not peel the skin. Also, do not pick at the skin as it peels, or you could cause scars to develop. Avoid shaving, waxing, or using depilatory creams in the treated area. When you go out into the sun, always wear sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or higher. If your skin is highly irritated, Dr. Yokana will recommend a topical to help soothe the irritation.

How often will I need to undergo RF skin resurfacing?

Dr. Yokana usually advises that you wait several weeks or even a few months between RF skin resurfacing sessions. Remember, after undergoing deep RF treatments for skin tightening, you can gain long-lasting results if you properly care for your skin.

Schedule a consultation today

If you are interested in undergoing RF skin resurfacing to tighten and smooth skin, we encourage you to reach out to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yokana at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL.Dr. Yokana will evaluate your skin tightening goals to work out a treatment plan that best fits your needs. RF skin resurfacing provides impressive results and can help you achieve a more youthful, vibrant appearance. It is an ideal treatment for patients who want a nonsurgical procedure that renders long-lasting effects.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.