Chemical Peels in Franklin Park, IL

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What are Chemical Peels?

A chemical peel dissolves dead or damaged skin cells by using a special, personalized solution designed specifically for the skin of your face, neck, or upper chest. This topical application causes the visible layer to slough off. As your skin recovers and starts to repair itself, you will notice a clearer, smoother, and more radiant complexion. Modern Day MedSpa offers individualized facial treatments that may use salicylic, glycolic, lactic, or trichloroacetic acid solutions to resolve skin abnormalities, like scars, wrinkles, fine lines, dry patches, hyperpigmentation issues, and more. At our Franklin Park, IL office, medical director Dr. Myriam Yokana offers these noninvasive treatments with the highest quality results.

What Are The Benefits Of Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels in Franklin Park, IL at Modern Day MedSpa can revitalize and rejuvenate your skin's appearance with wide-ranging benefits that include:

  • Offers customizable treatment options
  • Reduces lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging
  • Diminishes skin discoloration, spots, sun damage, and more
  • Removes dead and damaged skin cells
  • Balances skin tone and texture
  • Softens rough skin
  • Brightens the complexion
  • Shrinks large pores
  • Reduces acne scarring
  • Pairs well with other procedures

Should I get a chemical peel?

Seeking the advice of a cosmetic professional is the first step in the journey to smooth, healthy skin. A team member at Modern Day MedSpa can assess your skin during a consultation in our Franklin Park, IL office before selecting a chemical peel treatment for optimal results. Chemical peel candidates, both men and women, should have visible issues with their skin like scars, rough patches, hyperpigmentation, flaky skin, wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, and much more. We may recommend multiple types of peels to match your needs and concerns.

Procedure Technique

At your procedure at Modern Day MedSpa, you'll lie down in a relaxed position as a team member applies the customized solution to your face and/or neck manually or with a brush. After the solution has had time to set, we will clean the peel off your face and put on a neutralizing agent to minimize irritation. You may want to bring a light sunscreen and/or a hat to wear outside after the treatment to protect against UV exposure, as your skin will be more sensitive. Depending on the strength and duration of the chemical peel you receive, you can expect your skin to itch and peel, from several days to a couple of weeks. It's important to avoid picking at your skin during this time.

Chemical Peels FAQ

How much does a chemical peel cost?
Dr. Yokana or a member of her team will discuss your costs in your consultation after they have made your personalized treatment plan. Costs for a chemical peel will vary based on the level you get. Modern Day MedSpa takes several payments methods, and there are often specials on treatments like chemical peels. Buying a package with several chemical peel treatments can also help you save money.

What level should I choose for my chemical peel?
Which level of chemical peel is best for you will depend on your specific skin issues and cosmetic goals. During your initial consultation, we can help you decide which chemical peel is best for your skin. Some factors you might want to consider are your general health, the type of skin you have, the depth of your skin concerns, the time you can commit to recovery, and what you want the peel to accomplish. Initially, it is better to start with a light chemical peel and see what you think of the results. After this, you and your team member might alter your plan to discover the best type of peel for your needs.

Should I get a chemical peel or dermabrasion treatment?
Chemical peels and dermabrasion are both facial treatments that treat surface irregularities to give your skin a smoother appearance. The difference is that dermabrasion requires surgical tools (a rotating brush or shaving instrument) to remove the surface skin layer through a careful scraping process. A chemical peel applies a caustic solution to your skin to dissolve dead and damaged skin cells. During your initial consultation, we will explain the pros and cons of both options and help you choose whether a chemical peel or dermabrasion is better to achieve your needs and goals.

Will my face hurt after a chemical peel?
Based on the formula used, you may feel some discomfort while it is actively treating your skin. If you choose a light peel, you will notice a little stinging; however, this can be alleviated with a handheld fan. Medium and deep peels are good for deeper skin issues and give you longer-lasting results, but they can cause greater discomfort. Topical anesthetics, skin medications, and ointments can be used to help you feel more comfortable during the chemical peel. Dr. Yokana or a member of her team will discuss how to care for your skin after a peel to maintain your results.

Can I combine a chemical peel with other treatments?
For even greater improvements to your skin, you may combine a chemical peel with another skin treatment at Modern Day MedSpa. In your consultation, be honest about your skin and cosmetic problems so we can develop a personalized treatment plan to achieve your goals. Your plan might include adding an injectable treatment for wrinkles (like BOTOX or JUVÉDERM®) plus a chemical peel to rejuvenate your whole appearance.

Smooth Skin Starts Here

Costs for a chemical peel can vary, depending on the formula you select and the frequency of treatments. Modern Day MedSpa is excited to offer these powerful treatments to rejuvenate your skin. Contact our office in Franklin Park, IL to receive a professional skin examination today to determine whether a chemical peel is right for you!

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.