Three Reasons Why BeautiFill® Treatment is Considered Worth It

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Most of us have pockets of stubborn fat that we wish we could use to fill out other areas of our bodies. As we age, losing weight in the stomach, thighs, upper arms, and hips becomes harder. At the same time, we tend to see areas like cheeks, buttocks, and breasts sag or lose volume.

At Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL, board-certified physician Dr. Myriam Yokana offers BeautiFill treatment by Alma. This cutting-edge laser liposuction and fat transfer procedure allows you to sculpt your body using unwanted fat to fill in other areas.

Keep reading to find out why this procedure is so popular.

What is BeautiFill laser lipo and fat transfer?

Alma lasers are FDA-approved devices that help loosen small pockets of stubborn fat beneath the skin. When used as part of the BeautiFill system, the fat cells are then purified and re-injected into areas that experience loss of volume and sagging.

This minimally invasive procedure is completed at the same time, and it's designed to produce natural and aesthetically appealing outcomes.

BeautiFill laser liposuction and fat transfer allow patients who are in good health and maintain a steady, healthy weight to remove stubborn fat from areas including the:

  • Hips

  • Abdomen

  • Thighs

  • Buttocks

  • Upper arms

  • Chest (for males)

That fat is then used to enhance the following areas:

  • Breasts

  • Buttocks

  • Lips

  • Cheeks

  • Hands

The fat transfer can also address wrinkles on the face and scars that create depressions in the skin.

Three reasons BeautiFill treatment is considered worth it

There are plenty of reasons to try BeautiFill treatment. But three of the biggest reasons to choose BeautiFill over other laser liposuction and fat transfer methods are:

  1. Natural and uniform results in one session

By gently loosening the fat with a laser and rapidly processing and purifying it, BeautiFill allows Dr. Yokana to choose only the optimal fat cells for re-injection. Even better, patients get body sculpting results in just one session.

Because BeautiFill uses a patient's own fat cells to fill out and contour the face, hands, and body, results look more natural and uniform.

  1. Reduced risk of scarring

The whole point of aesthetic treatments is to leave an area looking its best. And while scarring is often an outcome of liposuction, the BeautiFill laser requires only small incisions to insert the cannula. This reduces the risk of leaving behind large scars.

Additionally, patients at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL benefit from Dr. Yokana's experience in helping to place the cannula in locations where any scars that may be left behind won't be noticeable.

  1. The BeautiFill laser helps tighten skin

It's natural to be concerned about how your body will look after liposuction. With traditional liposuction, some patients require a second treatment to tighten or remove loose skin left behind after fat is removed.

But the great thing about Alma's BeautiFill system is that the laser encourages skin tightening in the areas where fat is removed. As a result, patients tend not to experience sagging skin after fat removal.

Get BeautiFill laser lipo and fat transfer in Franklin Park, IL

If you have areas with stubborn fat that won't respond to diet and exercise and wish you could use that fat to fill out other areas of your body, the BeautiFill system may be a great option for you.

To find out if you're a good candidate for laser liposuction and fat transfer, schedule a consultation with Dr. Myriam Yokana at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.