BeautiFill® Laser Lipo and Fat Transfer in Franklin Park, IL

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What Is Laser Lipo And Fat Transfer?

With natural aging or weight fluctuations, we can lose the smooth, plump look in certain body areas where volume once resided. One way to restore this lost volume is through an advanced cosmetic technique known as a fat transfer. This process extracts fat from one place on the body and injects it into a new location that could use additional volume. Fat transfer procedures can be performed on large areas, such as the buttocks, or on small features, such as the lower eyelid, cheeks, or lips. At Modern Day MedSpa, medical director Dr. Myriam Yokana uses minimally invasive laser liposuction and safe fat grafting with BeautiFill technology from Alma. This cosmetic enhancement at our Franklin Park, IL location creates natural-looking, appealing outcomes.

Who is a candidate for laser lipo and fat transfer?

A consultation with Dr. Yokana is the first step in learning if laser liposuction and fat grafting can meet your aesthetic goals. During this time, our surgical team will review your medical history and ask about any current medications and allergies. Strong candidates are in good overall health with realistic expectations about the outcome of their procedure. We also assess your skin quality and the amount of excess fat you would like removed. Good skin elasticity is critical for optimal results.

What Should I Expect?

With BeautiFill laser liposuction, a local anesthetic is applied to numb the treated areas. A small incision is made in the region where the fat is to be removed, and a laser is inserted to heat and gently loosen fat underneath the skin. This fat is then removed by a cannula and transported to the area where you would like to increase volume. In this way, the procedure is less invasive than surgical liposuction and more natural than synthetic injections, all while allowing you to redistribute your own body fat as you wish — and with minimal scarring! The BeautiFill laser even stimulates collagen production in the skin, increasing tautness. Recovery time is typically a few days of rest, plus an additional few weeks of staying away from strenuous activities, like sports or heavy lifting.

Laser lipo and fat transfer FAQs

What's the difference between this and other fat removal procedures?

The most important difference between BeautiFill and similar procedures is the way fat is harvested. Our specialized technology at Modern Day MedSpa collects and refines tissue for excellent results that look stunning. Other surgeries may have a lower rate of success.

Will I feel pain during treatment?

Since BeautiFill is carried out under local anesthesia and is nonsurgical, our patients in Franklin Park don't experience much discomfort during treatment. Our team can prepare you for side effects that may include swelling or irritation. Call our office if you have concerns about BeautiFill.

Will I need to take time off work or regular activities?

This varies with each individual, but you will need to avoid strenuous workouts for at least several weeks. Dr. Yokana also recommends avoiding planning treatment around the same time as an important event, like a wedding. While side effects should not hinder your daily activities, we want to make sure recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

Take the Natural Approach

If you desire fuller lips or want to smooth out hollow areas or lines, this treatment may be a great option. Furthermore, laser lipo and fat transfer with BeautiFill from Alma is an outstanding option for the body, such as the breasts or buttocks. This treatment can help you achieve the look you want without choosing to undergo an invasive surgery that could require a lengthy recovery. We invite you to get in touch with our office to book your consult at Modern Day MedSpa. Dr. Myriam Yokana is thrilled to share with you more about this safe and revolutionary procedure right here at our Franklin Park, IL office.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.