Do I Have Too Much Fat for CoolSculpting® Treatment?

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CoolSculpting is a revolutionary technology that reduces hard-to-reach fat using cold temperatures. It's ideal for people who want to contour their bodies without surgery or downtime. But is it possible to have too much fat for CoolSculpting?

Below, Dr. Myriam Yokana describes the ideal CoolSculpting candidate and how to increase your chances of achieving the best possible results. Call for a consultation in Franklin Park, IL, and see why Modern Day MedSpa is a premier provider of fat reduction treatments.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a body sculpting treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and destroy unwanted fat cells. The procedure is FDA-cleared and clinically proven to be safe and effective.

During treatment, the CoolSculpting device is applied to the targeted areas, causing fat cells to freeze and die. The cells are then removed from the body through natural processes.

CoolSculpting results are long-lasting because once the fat cells are destroyed, they can not come back. Patients report seeing visible improvements after just one session with our team.

What about liposuction for fat reduction?

Some people turn to liposuction to reduce fat pockets in different areas of the body. Though this treatment is popular and provides dramatic outcomes, it is considered invasive and requires anesthesia. It also comes with significant downtime and side effects like bruising, swelling, and pain. CoolSculpting is a far better option for those who want to avoid surgery and its associated risks.

Who is the ideal CoolSculpting candidate?

A consultation with a CoolSculpting provider is the best way to determine your eligibility for body sculpting in Franklin Park, IL. Ideal candidates have tried weight loss methods (like diet and exercise) without success and have small bulges in areas like the abdomen, love handles, thighs, or arms. Dr. Yokana also looks for patients who are in good health and have good skin elasticity.

CoolSculpting is not intended for weight loss but for body contouring. Modern Day MedSpa recommends being within 10 to 20 pounds of your goal weight and having a BMI within a normal range (18.5 to 25).

How to increase your chances of CoolSculpting success

There are several ways to ensure you get the best possible results from CoolSculpting:

  • Choose an experienced provider: A good CoolSculpting provider has experience with the procedure and knows how it works. Dr. Yokana has been performing this treatment for years and has helped countless people achieve results they love.
  • Don't expect miracles: Remember that CoolSculpting is not considered a weight loss solution but a body contouring procedure. It can reduce stubborn fat pockets, but it won't provide the same outcomes as liposuction.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle: CoolSculpting results are long-lasting, but some maintenance is also necessary. A healthy diet paired with a consistent exercise plan can ensure the remaining fat cells won't grow.
  • Be patient: It takes time for the treated fat cells to be destroyed and removed from the body. Results are usually visible after several weeks but can take a few months to develop fully.

Reduce fat pockets with CoolSculpting

Fat reduction is possible with CoolSculpting! If you are interested in learning the benefits of this innovative procedure, call Modern Day MedSpa and schedule an assessment in Franklin Park, IL. Dr. Myriam Yokana understands the importance of providing patients with the latest tools and technology to provide the best possible results.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.