Cellulite Reduction in Franklin Park, IL

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What Is Cellulite Reduction?

Cellulite is a common term for lumpy fat deposits in the skin that may be due to fat cells pressing between bits of connective tissue in the skin. Modern Day MedSpa provides several nonsurgical treatments for reducing cellulite. These highly effective procedures may be used in varying combinations or individually, depending on your customized treatment plan. Our board-certified physician, Dr. Myriam Yokana, is an experienced provider of cellulite treatments in Franklin Park, IL. Make an appointment for a consultation to see which cellulite reduction therapies are most suited for you!

Who is a Candidate for Cellulite Reduction?

Even minor cases of cellulite may be improved with help from Modern Day MedSpa. Dr. Yokana can perform a thorough consultation to help you determine your candidacy. This may involve a physical examination and a comprehensive discussion of your goals. Patients who are unhappy with their appearance due to cellulite and have realistic expectations may be ideal for treatment at our facility. Our team works with you to develop a unique treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

How Can You Reduce My Cellulite?

At Modern Day MedSpa, our cellulite reduction techniques may include laser therapy to melt stubborn fat, micro-incisions and microneedling to break up fat and allow the body to heal it, radiofrequency energy waves, or a combination. These procedures are minimally invasive and require very little downtime. Because everyone's body is different, the best way to determine which treatment method is right for you is to have Dr. Yokana perform an evaluation of your skin. That will also allow her to go over pricing and follow-up treatment information, which will depend on your highly personalized treatment plan.

Cellulite reduction FAQs

What causes cellulite?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as cellulite can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes of cellulite are hormone changes, age, lifestyle factors, and heredity. Modern Day MedSpa can help determine the root cause of your cellulite and create a treatment plan tailored specifically to you.

Are cellulite treatments painful?

No, cellulite reduction is not typically painful. Of course, everyone's experience may vary depending on the specific treatments involved. This may include laser therapy, microneedling, or radiofrequency energy waves that work to break up fat and make your skin appear smooth and even. Our team of experts will work with you to create a plan that is as comfortable as possible.

How can I enhance my recovery after cellulite reduction?

There are a number of things you can do to enhance your recovery after cellulite reduction treatments. First, we encourage you to stay hydrated to keep your skin healthy and plump. Additionally, you should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when going outdoors. Finally, try to get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities in the days following treatment in Franklin Park, IL.

Cellulite Reduction For Healthier Skin

When you receive nonsurgical cellulite reduction at Modern Day MedSpa, it only takes a few brief sessions to provide long-term, noticeable results. Let Dr. Myriam Yokana provide you with boosted confidence in your appearance through these groundbreaking procedures today. Contact our Franklin Park, IL office at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.