IV Hydration Therapy in Franklin Park, IL

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What Is IV Hydration Therapy?

For many years, people who have experienced illness or dehydration have relied on intravenous (IV) fluids to restore their health. An IV can transfer much-needed vitamins, nutrients, and electrolytes directly into the blood, bypassing the digestive system and saving the body precious time. Today, IVs can be used for many benefits in addition to these life-saving treatments. Because they allow for rapid fluid exchange, they can be used to supply the body with extra nutrition quickly in order to boost energy, help your mood, and even provide a youthful glow to the skin. To learn more about this powerful and efficient treatment option, call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Myriam Yokana, medical director and master injector at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL.

Who is a Candidate for IV Hydration Therapy?

Dehydration can occur for many reasons, including illness, strenuous workouts, travel, and some medications. While it is possible to rehydrate by drinking fluids like water or juice, sometimes the body needs a more direct and immediate source of hydration. IV hydration therapy quickly rehydrates the body and replenishes essential nutrients. It can also be helpful for those who are recovering from illness or surgery or for athletes who need to perform at their best.

How Does IV Hydration Therapy Work?

During your IV hydration therapy procedure, you will relax in one of our comfortable procedure rooms where you can enjoy listening to music or perusing reading material. A team member will insert the IV filled with nutritious fluid so it can rapidly be absorbed directly into your bloodstream. This should very quickly cause you to feel more energized, as this procedure works much more quickly at providing mood, health, and skin benefits than oral medication or simply drinking water. If you desire, we can also add anti-nausea supplements, pain relief, electrolytes to provide extra energy, and many other nutrients and medications, depending on what's discussed during your consultation.

IV hydration therapy FAQs

How safe is IV hydration therapy?

IV hydration therapy is considered to be a very safe option for patients who want to improve their overall health and wellness without medications. Modern Day MedSpa also provides personalized plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each patient, ensuring that they receive the best possible care. Allow us to help you get started on your journey to better health.

Is IV therapy painful?

No, IV therapy is not painful. Most patients find the experience to be very relaxing. You may feel some discomfort as the needle is inserted into the vein, but this is very brief. Patients who are concerned about pain should speak with our friendly team. We can help you feel comfortable during IV hydration therapy in Franklin Park, IL.

Why take vitamins intravenously rather than orally?

When you take vitamins orally, they are absorbed by the stomach and intestines and then transported to the rest of the body. However, not all of the nutrients are absorbed in this way, and some may be lost in transit. When you receive vitamins intravenously, they are directly delivered to your bloodstream, ensuring that you reap all of their benefits.

Quick Hydration for Skin and Body Health

If you are in need of quick intravenous fluid exchange, look no further than Modern Day MedSpa. This revolutionary treatment is available upon a medical consultation with Dr. Myriam Yokana at our Franklin Park, IL location. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to see how a nutrient-rich, IV-delivered serum can benefit you.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.