Laser Hair Removal in Franklin Park, IL

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What is Laser Hair Removal?

Hair removal with a laser has become one of the most common cosmetic services in the United States. It's a convenient method for the long-term reduction or removal of hair follicles on the face and body. This laser treatment usually leaves the skin looking and feeling smoother while providing long-lasting results compared to other hair removal options. Medical director Dr. Myriam Yokana performs safe and effective laser hair removal services for both women and men in common areas, like the legs, back, arms, face, armpits, and intimate areas, at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL.

Who is a Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Most people are good candidates for laser hair removal if they have unwanted or excess hair growth. Modern Day MedSpa may perform a quick skin assessment to make sure there are no contraindications to the procedure. A consultation can give you a better understanding of both treatment and recovery. Those with a sunburn or active infection should wait until the skin has healed before undergoing laser hair removal. We also don't recommend laser hair removal for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.

What Is Our Laser Hair Removal Technique?

Laser hair removal is a safe procedure that is helpful for most individuals. In your consultation, Dr. Yokana will discuss your needs, concerns, goals, and costs for various personalized treatment plan options. At your procedure, you will relax in one of our treatment rooms as a team member cleans the target area to create a direct pathway between the laser and the hair follicle root. The laser's energy will target and deactivate the hair follicle, which stops it from growing again. Usually, you will need 3 – 5 sessions over 3 – 4 weeks to see ideal results. These appointments are typically staggered to allow the affected areas a chance to heal while also letting new hair follicles become active so they, in turn, can be targeted during the next round of treatment. Eventually, the entire area will be permanently smooth.

Laser hair removal FAQs

Why should I get laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a quick and efficient way of removing unwanted hair so you can reduce the amount of time spent shaving or waxing. It's perfect for excess dark hair on the legs, arms, or bikini area. The team at Modern Day MedSpa can discuss the advantages of this treatment and how we help you achieve the best results possible.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

You may experience a slight stinging sensation during laser hair removal, but most patients of Dr. Yokana find their treatment to be tolerable. After your session, your skin may feel a little red or sunburned. Do not expose your skin to sunlight or UV rays, as this could cause further irritation.

Is laser hair removal permanent?

Laser hair removal does create long-lasting results, but it can only be considered semi-permanent. Some hair follicles may continue to grow after treatment. Either way, patients in Franklin Park, IL, realize that any remaining hair is far easier to remove. You are also free to return as often as needed for future laser sessions.

SmoothEr, Hair-Free Skin On Problem Areas

If you're tired of wasting time and energy on shaving, waxing, and plucking, schedule a consultation to find out more information about laser hair removal treatments at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL. Laser hair removal by Dr. Myriam Yokana can help you get smoother skin by treating unwanted hair growth on the face, legs, arms, and body.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.