Is it Safe to Put Ice on My Lips After Lip Fillers?

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Are you looking for a noninvasive, injectable lip filler to augment your lips without surgery? At Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL, board-certified practitioner of family medicine and aesthetic services Dr. Myriam Yokana can help you develop the treatment plan that's right for you.

Below, we'll look at some of the aftercare instructions for lip fillers, including whether or not it's safe to ice your lips following injections.

How do lip fillers work?

Lip fillers typically contain a gel with hyaluronic acid (HA), which supports the structure of the lip and attracts water molecules for a perkier pout. Patients looking to upgrade thin lips to plump lips and a fuller mouth at Modern Day MedSpa have lip filler options such as Restylane® or JUVÉDERM®. These injectable dermal fillers are a quick, efficient way to enhance your lips.

After applying a local anesthetic or numbing cream, Dr. Yokana will administer several tiny filler injections in the targeted areas. An experienced injector is crucial, so your lips look full, even, and natural.

Because the needle is so thin, very few patients complain of pain during the injection procedure. And patients can return to their daily activities almost immediately after their appointment with virtually no downtime.

How do I care for my lips after getting dermal fillers?

Aftercare is an essential part of getting the best results possible from lip fillers. While you can simply walk out of the office after your injections, it's up to you to care for your lips so they heal in a healthy way.

After getting lip fillers, you may experience excess swelling. To control this swelling, avoid hot temperatures and strenuous exercise for the next 24 hours. It's also a good idea to stay hydrated after getting lip fillers. This means avoiding excessive salt intake.

You will be able to eat almost immediately after getting lip fillers, but it's a good idea to choose foods that aren't too hot or spicy, and that are easy to eat, so you don't have to wipe or otherwise disturb your lips too often. It's also advisable to avoid using a straw or indulging in alcohol during this time. Giving your lips a chance to rest and recover will help any swelling go down quickly so you can see your final results. That may also mean avoiding kissing or massaging your lips and irritating the injection site for the next 24 hours.

Being gentle with your lips may also help you avoid bruising on or around the lips after lip filler treatment. However, some patients experience bruising and tenderness regardless. This typically resolves on its own within 48 hours.

If you experience bleeding or have bruising and swelling that doesn't subside quickly, get in touch with Dr. Yokana.

Can I ice my lips after getting lip fillers?

One of the best ways to help your lips heal after lip fillers is to apply a cold compress, particularly if you're experiencing swelling or tenderness.

As long as you gently place the cold compress on your lips and avoid applying excessive pressure (for example, don't try to hold the compress between your lips), it's perfectly safe to ice your lips.

You can apply the cold compress for 5 –10 minutes at a time in the 24 to 48 hours after your injections. It's rare that icing your lips will be necessary any longer.

Get lip fillers in Franklin Park, IL

Some patients are concerned that icing their lips right after getting lip filler with freeze the gel or prevent the filler ingredients from spreading out evenly, but this is not the case.

If you have more questions about plumping your lips with dermal fillers or want to make an appointment, get in touch with Dr. Myriam Yokana at Modern Day MedSpa in Franklin Park, IL.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.