How Much Belly Fat Can CoolSculpting® Take Away?

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CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical procedure that uses controlled cooling to remove fat cells from specific body areas. It's commonly used to treat stubborn fat in the belly and love handles. The great part about CoolSculpting is that it can reduce up to 25% of fat cells without going under the knife.

Today, Dr. Myriam Yokana will discuss the benefits of CoolSculpting treatment for reducing belly fat. Modern Day MedSpa can also provide tips on how to maximize results. Read on to learn more about this revolutionary procedure in Franklin Park, IL.

What causes unwanted belly fat?

Many factors can contribute to undesirable belly fat, including genetics, hormone changes, and lack of exercise. Some of these factors are unfortunately outside of our control. Even stress has an impact on fat storage and distribution. If you have fat in the abdomen, love handles, hips, or thighs, CoolSculpting may be a good option for your cosmetic goals.

How does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting works by freezing fat cells in specific areas while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. Your body’s natural processes then remove the treated cells over time. While many people turn to invasive procedures like liposuction to remove fat, CoolSculpting does not require incisions or downtime.

Many people in Franklin Park choose to have CoolSculpting treatment to reduce belly fat. Here are some main benefits of this innovative procedure at Modern Day MedSpa:

  • Safe: CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared and has been successfully used by millions of people worldwide.

  • No downtime: You can resume normal activities almost immediately after CoolSculpting treatment.

  • Noninvasive: CoolSculpting does not require incisions or needles.

  • Versatile: CoolSculpting can be used to treat many different areas at once, including the belly, love handles, thighs, and hips.

  • Significant results: CoolSculpting has been shown to reduce 20% – 25% of fat in the treated area.

How much fat can CoolSculpting remove?

Any patient considering CoolSculpting should consult with Dr. Yokana before moving forward. During this appointment, we will discuss how freezing fat cells works and your cosmetic goals. Whether you have small amounts of belly fat or have stubborn love handles that make you feel self-conscious, we work hard to ensure you get great results.

As we mentioned, CoolSculpting can address up to 25% of fat cells in a treatment area. This percentage varies depending on your individual body composition and the amount of fat involved. Our team can provide a more specific estimate during the consultation. In general, we have seen excellent results with CoolSculpting for belly fat.

How can I maximize my CoolSculpting results?

While CoolSculpting treatment is very effective, there are some things patients can do to help maximize their outcomes:

  • Follow post-treatment instructions: We will provide instructions on how to care for the treated area after a CoolSculpting session.

  • Make healthy lifestyle choices: Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly will help maintain your results long-term.

  • Maintain a stable weight: fluctuations in weight can impact your outcomes. Try to maintain a consistent weight long after CoolSculpting is over.

Slim down your belly with CoolSculpting

Freezing fat cells is a great way to reduce belly fat and improve your body contours. If you want to learn about CoolSculpting for belly fat, contact Modern Day MedSpa to schedule a CoolSculpting consultation in Franklin Park, IL. Dr. Myriam Yokana and our team of professionals look forward to helping you achieve beautiful and long-lasting results.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.